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The Second, means nothing without the First.

The Second Amendment means nothing with the invalidation of the First. An inalienable right so swiftly and surreptitiously tainted, that many have taken no notice to the direction they are quickly being marched, a road that ends at best as a subject, no longer a citizen, and at worst – as dust. The second carries no weight when the mind that controls the body is distracted and poisoned, the ability to communicate and receive ideas now obfuscated, clouded from power brokers that insist on imparting their scope of morality, no matter the cost to one’s sovereignty. The control of thoughts, the control of the narrative, and the demand that their words be worshiped, the new gospel that is their truth, a drumbeat that you soon will have no choice but to step to.

The Second is broken not from the restriction of firearms and their accessories, the minutia details of such thousand cuts becoming a primary distraction. For lobbyists it is sustenance, for lawmakers a rallying cry which echoes over and over in one’s mind. Distraction enough to allow a serpent to escape without detection. How easy it is to pay mind to the thunderstorm above one’s home, and ignore the crack in one’s foundation, a house built upon sand that was never guaranteed, and requires constant upkeep.

The Second being the final, last resort in a system that requires checks and balance, now becoming null and void with each passing day. When can a people know when one side ofthe scale dips too far, that it is about to topple, without clear minds, and clear hearts? The Second Amendment means nothing when the people do not or cannot know when it is the time to exercise their duties in preserving rights and freedom.

Our liberty wasn’t secured with a threat of violence.

This is dangerous rhetoric, and I do not shy from it, nor do I claim it as original thought, for it was ingrained in me as an American in my youth and affirmed in my manhood, as so many others can relate. It is as relevant now as it was in 1776, and it is as virtuous now as it was then. Inaction and ignorance are convenient, but they come with a cost worse than death, they come with submittal and selling of one’s American soul. I would rather trade my life for what we believe in than die a captive, and I have felt this for long enough that it almost becomes more and more an attractive reality than it should be.

I don’t ignore the romance that so many of us find in death, it is omnipresent in every day of my life since fighting in our overseas corporate sponsored trials for so long, and for things so much less worthwhile. I’ve come to an uncomfortable truce and acceptance that it will be with me wherever I shall go. How many of our brothers remain overseas forever, and for what purpose, I can not nor will not let them go. I don’t seek it either, like some do, nor do I advocate for the spilling of my countrymen’s blood, like many seem to call for, in some misguided pursuit or another. Regardless it is, and always will be, a part of our reality. Some of us must sacrifice to preserve our way of life. It is the American way, and our window of time to preserve it, is quickly coming to a close.


Post Script

In the past month, I’ve had to step back from many things in my life, I’ve disconnected from friends and associates, turned off the “news” of any kind, stopped scrolling on my “feeds”, logged out of accounts, and have done less than the minimum required to keep abreast of a system I see now crumbling. A feeling not of defeat, but of wrongdoing and of being cheated, a feeling so incredibly dark that my own impenetrable mental wellbeing has been suspect for some time. Maybe it still is. I’ve seen the workings of a beast in our country for some time that I never wanted to become reality, but now must accept as being true, and it will come to a point where it must be met, and I pray met without violence. I’m doing my best to prepare, and so should you. There are dark times ahead, but patriots will overcome.



I've done some things, with some people, around the world, many times. And I don't want to do them at home.

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