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Biden’s soft Hispanic support

President Trump's standing with Hispanic voters is stronger now than four years ago, while Joe Biden's support is softer than Hillary Clinton's, polls show — trends that worry some longtime Biden supporters in the...

Barr tells prosecutors they could file sedition charges against violent protesters: report

Attorney General Bill Barr has told federal prosecutors to consider charging violent protesters with sedition and other criminal statutes, according to a report. Barr made the comments last week during a conference call with U.S....

ABC’s Trump In Trouble Poll Surveyed Just 533, Not Likely Voters, Asked Over 20% More Biden Supporters Than Conservatives

The poll – cited across the news media on Sunday – purported to show the public at odds with the President over the coronavirus pandemic as well as the widely debunked story about his...

Sorority girl accused of rioting in Lancaster has bail set at $1 million

A university student and sorority sister was among eight arrested Sunday and slapped with $1 million bails each on the first night of the Black Lives Matter-Antifa protests in Lancaster, Pa. 20-year-old Kathryn “Kat” Jeanne...

Corporate Media Didn’t Report What It’s Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will

Kenosha, Wisconsin is situated in the southern part of the state, about an hour and a half from Chicago, and has a population of approximately 100,000. Republican Rep. Bryan Steil, who represents Kenosha in...

Never Trumper flips: ‘Trump all that stands between our democracy and tyranny …Joe Biden a “figurehead” and “facade” for violent communists…

Danielle Pletka is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.   In 2016, I never considered voting for Donald Trump. The Johnny-come-lately Republican and his nasty schoolyard jibes seemed to me the worst degradation of...

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The Second, means nothing without the First.

The Second Amendment means nothing with the invalidation of the First. An inalienable right so swiftly and surreptitiously tainted, that many have taken no...


  PBF PUBLIC RADIO :: PODCAST EPISODE #58 REVEALED: ‘Non-Partisan’ Transition Integrity Project Founder Dined With Soros And Biden Campaign Advisers, Offered ‘Substantive Help’ Norm...

2020 = 1984 : Compelling New Book Tells Big Tech’s Ongoing Plan To Decimate Our First Amendment

October 14, 2020 - Romeo1Oscar Today, news broke on the NYPOST and was trending across social media platforms. The paper released a well-documented article on...

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