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Woke Gone Wild

After gutting police budget, Minneapolis city council complains about soaring crime

A mere three months after lobbying to "defund the police," several members of the Minneapolis City Council are reporting that residents are asking where the police have gone. In a meeting Tuesday on police reform, MPR...

BLM riot damages ‘worst in history’ totalling over $2 BILLION

The "mostly peaceful" riots that have been rocking the US since the end of May have proven to be extremely costly. The Insurance Information Institute has compiled some shocking data. According to the institute, property damage claims...

Corporate Media Didn’t Report What It’s Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will

Kenosha, Wisconsin is situated in the southern part of the state, about an hour and a half from Chicago, and has a population of approximately 100,000. Republican Rep. Bryan Steil, who represents Kenosha in...

Antifa and BLM, the Democrat party’s stormtroopers

When the tactics of Black Lives Matter coincide with the ideology of NPR, Americans should realize that the left has crossed yet another line on the indecency scale. A reporter for an NPR station showed up at...

Internet User Says He Infiltrated “Antifa” Social Networks, Claims They’re Disorganized, Fear Trump and Feel Demoralized

This little investigation tells us what we already know - Antifa are awkward and scared college know-it-alls who have no actual plans and can't handle the "real world" A social media user posted on an...


BOMBSHELL: The Center for Disease Control is moving forward with a critical race theory training program—in violation of the President’s executive action. The 13-week series is called “Naming, Measuring, and Addressing the Impacts of Racism...

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The Second, means nothing without the First.

The Second Amendment means nothing with the invalidation of the First. An inalienable right so swiftly and surreptitiously tainted, that many have taken no...


  PBF PUBLIC RADIO :: PODCAST EPISODE #58 REVEALED: ‘Non-Partisan’ Transition Integrity Project Founder Dined With Soros And Biden Campaign Advisers, Offered ‘Substantive Help’ Norm...

2020 = 1984 : Compelling New Book Tells Big Tech’s Ongoing Plan To Decimate Our First Amendment

October 14, 2020 - Romeo1Oscar Today, news broke on the NYPOST and was trending across social media platforms. The paper released a well-documented article on...

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